

Every 3 Seconds, Someone Dies from Sepsis

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises from the body's immune response to infection. This immune response can cause significant injury to tissues and organs. Symptoms include pyrexia, hyperthermia, hyperventilation, and ventricular tachycardia called systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Sepsis is diagnosed when these symptoms are accompanied by a confirmed microbial infection.

how sepsis works

Mortality Rate: Up to 40%

Sepsis is the most common infectious disease related condition in the ICU (intensive care unit), and is diagnosed in 25-30% of all ICU patients. Delay in detection and early, appropriate treatment can result in mortality rates as high as 40%. In the United States alone, there are 1.6 million cases every year with more than 250,000 fatalities. According to United States epidemiological research, in the past 20 years, sepsis rates have been increasing rapidly at a rate of 8.7% per year.

27,000,000 – 30,000,000

People per year develop sepsis

7,000,000 – 9,000,000 Die

1 death every 3.5 seconds

Survivors may face
lifelong consequences

Source : World Health Organization, 2018

Limitations of existing AST methods

Conventional AST methods deployed in most labs today are useful but can take more than 72 hours to produce results. This includes obtaining and verifying positive blood cultures, isolating the causative bacteria on culture plates, bacterial species identification and automated AST process. Faster results are needed for early antibiotic prescribing and improved patient outcomes.

dRASTTM, a rapid antimicrobial susceptibility test system

dRAST (direct & Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing) eliminates the need for isolating bacteria on culture plates and produces AST results in as low as 4 hours directly from positive blood cultures.

The faster results from dRAST can support early and optimal antibiotic prescribing, which produce better patient outcomes, improve survival rates, limit abuse and misuse of antibiotics, and ultimately prevent the development and spread of antibiotic resistance.

Reference for video clip: Global Sepsis Alliance ( )