

A surge in cardiovascular disease patients

Severe cardiovascular disease continues to increase globally due aging populations and stress. According to WHO data in 2014, there were about 1.5 million deaths worldwide from cardiovascular disease. In particular, in Korea, where the aging population is accelerating, the problem of cardiovascular disease is getting worse.

Acute myocardial infarction

Acute myocardial infarction is a disease in which the coronary artery, which supplies oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscles, is suddenly completely blocked and the heart muscles start to die. A blood clot that suddenly blocks the coronary artery can lead to decreased blood supply to the heart muscle, resulting in acute myocardial infarction.

Heart failure

Heart failure is a condition in which the heart's unique function deteriorates due to heart diseases, resulting in insufficient blood flow throughout the body. A heart condition that causes heart failure can damage the whole heart or a compartment of the heart.

Heart failure, the end of acute myocardial infarction

Heart failure is a fatal disease in which 50% die within five years onset, and hence prognostic predictions for the disease are important. Since one-third of patients with acute myocardial infarction experience diastolic heart failure, it is important to identify the risk of these patients early diagnosis and treatment.

36 million

Heart patients WW,
and rising

$108 billion

Health-economic cost
of heart failure

#1 reason

for Hospital

50% mortality

within 5 years of
initial onset

Limitations of conventional heart failure diagnosis

Most of the conventional biomarkers determine the severity and prognosis of heart failure in the post-heart failure stage. This means that it cannot predict the possibility of heart failure in patients with acute myocardial infarction. To overcome this limitation, new biomarker candidates are being developed by groups around the work to predict the prognosis of cardiovascular disease. However, most do not have the predictive accuracy to meet clinical needs and market demands.

Quanti9TM & QuantiGalTM, a prognostic prediction kit for cardiovascular diseases

Quanti9 and QuantiGal are new tests that can predict early heart failure risk in patients with acute myocardial infarction and employ novel early heart failure diagnostic biomarkers with high predictive accuracy.