Exhibition at Medlab 2020

[Exhibition at Medlab 2020]
QuantaMatrix exhibited at Medlab 2020, which was held in Dubai, the Arab Emirates from 3-6 February 2020. More than 4,000 companies from 135 countries and 25,800 delegates from areas of clinical laboratories attended Medlab 2020. In the event, QuantaMatrix focused on promoting a direct and rapid antimicrobial susceptibility test (dRAST) system. The large number of delegates from Arab countries expressed significant interests in anti-microbial stewardship and efficient treatment for sepsis.
Medlab is Continuing Medical Education (CME) accredited symposium where a great number of scholars attend. The characteristics of this conference allowed QuantaMatrix to concentrate on delivering clinical evidence of dRAST. The exhibition was a precious opportunity to deliver results from numerous clinical studies which the company has worked on.